- Click and drag to rotate.
- Hold shift and drag to pan.
- Use the scroll wheel to zoom.
- You can also use mobile-style touch controls if your device supports them.

The "Sandin Image Processor" is an analog video synthesizer, designed and built in the early 1970s in Chicago, by Dan Sandin. A "Wrongle" is a data format for wrong-angle viewing of scenes from the wrong angle, designed and built in the early 2010s in Chicago, by Tamas Kemenczy.

You can find some incredible examples of footage processed by the I.P. online, hosted by the Phil Morton Video Archive:

After the initial design work and construction of the synthesizer, Sandin and the video artist Phil Morton set about writing the Distribution Religion, a guide book explaining how to build the Sandin Image Processor from widely-available electronic components.

In the introduction to the Distribution Religion, Sandin wrote:

"The Image Processor may be copied by individuals and not-for-profit institutions without charge. For-profit institutions will have to negotiate for permission to copy. I think culture has to learn to use high-tek machines for personal, aesthetic, religious, intuitive, comprehensive, exploratory growth. The development of machines like the Image Processor is part of this evolution. I am paid by the state, at least in part, to do and diseminate this information; so I do."

A hand-scribbled note below reads: "I decided that I would like 1 good tape from each copy of the I.P."

From Phil Morton's notes in the Distribution Religion:

"First, it's okay to copy! Believe in the process of copying as much as you can; with all your heart is a good place to start - get into it as straight and honestly as possible. Copying is good (I think better from this vector-view) as any other way of getting 'there.'"

You can read the complete Distribution Religion in pdf here:

The Sandin Image Processor appears in Act V of Kentucky Route Zero, and in the interlude "Un Pueblo De Nada." This Wrongle was made for the touring version of the "Chicago New Media 1973-1992" exhibition curated by Jon Cates with assistance from Chaz Evans and Jonathan Kinkley of VGA Gallery in Chicago. It was exhibited at the Ars Electronica festival in 2019.

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